Podcasts to 
Enrich Your Soul

Medicine Words is a unique podcast experience that will engage your soul across Five Spiritual Realms.

Human — Guest speakers selected for their spiritual wisdom to contribute their observations about the human spiritual experience of life on Mother Earth. Presented in a compelling and engaging interview format.

HealingConversations with practitioners in the Healing Realm whose spiritual and conscious relationships to Deity give them unique perspectives on human life 
and health.

Meditative — Soothing meditations to calm your mind and open your heart. Tap into the energy of love and learn to heal your soul as you gain spiritual equanimity.

Divine — Wisdom and insight channeled from a Divine Angelic Source. Originally conceived as an audiobook, these teachings were destined to become part of the Medicine Words podcast.

Universal — The aliens Zetor, Sage, and Pauline communicate with Ryan and Keith to share their wisdom, humor, and astral perspectives about human life on Earth.

Why Medicine Words? 

We share different perspectives of living life as human beings on Earth as spiritual beings, each having a unique human experience. We cherish, accept, and love the uniqueness in all of us as a gift that is to be honored. We strive to bring peace and love to all Earth dwellers.

About Medicine Words Podcasts 

These podcasts embody peace and spirituality. We acknowledge that each individual human being is on a personal path that is unique to them and we honor and respect their path. Only the energy of love and the dignity of all life are present within Medicine Words podcasts.



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